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this a simple guide to understand how to theme systemui.apk on kitkat, this guide will work for any rom having aosp like user interface. Before you start learning things, you have to set up apktool correctly. Just to check if your apktool is correctly installed, you can decompile my DarkL rom's systemui.apk and then recompile it without making any changes, if it compiles successfully then you are ready to try this tutorial :)
Also, you need notepad++ to edit xml or smali line by line and you need gimp to edit transparent pngs.
Now we will start learning easy things first then move to more advanced and awesome things, so lets start with statusbar icons first.
1.Changing statusbar icons (Signal, wifi, alarm, vibration or silent icons etc.)
First decompile your systemui and go to /systemui/res/ folder.
Changing the statusbar icons is easiest, these are pngs located in /res/drawable-hdpi/ OR /res/drawable-xhdpi/ depending on your device resolution, if it's 480*800 then your device is hdpi else if your resolution is 1280*720 then your device is xhdpi. You need to make changes in the correct folder.
Now open your folder /res/drawable-hdpi/ OR /res/drawable-xhdpi/ and look for pngs starting with name "stat_sys_.....png"
For wifi icon, we have "stat_sys_wifi_signal_1_fully.png" , "stat_sys_wifi_signal_2_fully.png" and so on, till "stat_sys_wifi_signal_4_fully.png".
For signal icons we have "stat_sys_gemini_signal_1_orange.png" , 2_orange , 3_orange and so on, If your device is dual sim, you have multi colored signals, orange, purple, green, blue, look for the appropriate png and edit/replace it.
Similarly, all the icons appearing in your statusbar are present here, all start with "stat_sys_.....png" you can edit these pngs or replace them from an existing theme or rom.
Warning - Ask permissions from the developer of that rom/theme.
Just to learn things, you can use my DarkL rom's systemui.apk and take pngs from it :)
2.Changing notification drawer background
The semi transparent background of your notification drawer is a png located in /res/drawable-hdpi/ or /res/drawable-xhdpi/ according to your device resolution. You need to make changes in the correct folder for your device.
Now find "notification_panel_bg.9.png" in your folder, this is the notification background, I recommend you to rename it to "notification_panel_bg.png" because .9 pngs have a border and are tricky to edit.
Now right click on this png and edit it with gimp, erase it and fill any color you want to.
3.Customizing quicksettings tiles (icons, background and gaps)
Firstly, to change quicksettings icons like wifi, data, rotation, bluetooth etc. Go to correct folder according to your device /res/drawable-xhdpi/ OR /res/drawable-hdpi/ now you need to replace/edit the pngs starting with "ic_qs_....png" , all of them are for quicksettings.
Similarly, all the icons appearing in your statusbar are present here, all start with "ic_qs_.....png" you can edit these pngs or replace them from an existing theme or rom.
Warning - Ask permissions from the developer of that rom/theme.
Just to learn things, you can use my DarkL rom's systemui.apk and take pngs from it :)
Now, to change background of tiles, you have to edit "/res/drawable/qs_tile_background.xml", you need to know the hex codes of your desired color to edit them, use this website to convert RGB to hex or reverse.
Now open "/res/drawable/qs_tile_background.xml" and look for the two hex codes, first one is for pressed tile, second one is for normal tile. Erase the last 6 characters here and Put your own 6 character hex code of any color.
Now to edit dimensions in systemui like gaps between quicksettings tiles and size of recent apps, open "/res/values/dimens.xml"
This file contains the size of various things, you can play with the values and maybe discover something awesome, below are few things